It’s finally happened. That magical time in your life…no, not a lottery win – but, yes, a big win of sorts – we have our first grandchild! Wait, what? Are we really old enough? I know you’re expecting the old line – “Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that…” Well, guess what? The line makes perfect… Read more »
“Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone; They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot” – Joni Mitchell This post will relate better to some than others with the subject matter being a local establishment closing; however, the messaging in that Joni song really rings true in our lives today…. Read more »
The tributes by my friends to their mothers, young and old, in social media have inspired me to share a reflection about my own mother who passed away on Mother’s Day in 1999. Those who knew Nancy Greene know that she always lived life to the fullest, pouring herself into everything she did. She was not only a loving wife… Read more »
With Newspaper Carrier Day on September 4th comes both a celebration of the job for many individuals, but also horrid memories for others like myself; who felt the wrath of both customers and creatures while working my paper route. My introduction to the newspaper game came at a young age in my hometown in somewhat rural Westchester County, New… Read more »
“I don’t know what’s more exhausting about parenting: the getting up early, or acting like you know what you’re doing.” ― Jim Gaffigan, from his book, Dad Is Fat With Father’s Day upon us, it seemed appropriate to have a Father’s Day post. Aside from Jim Gaffigan’s musings on fatherhood, I’m inspired also by Jimmy Fallon who tweeted this week… Read more »
Amazing what your mind will remember. Can’t remember the name of the person I met 15 minutes ago at a cocktail party, but somehow remember my kindergarten classroom and teacher like it was yesterday. We’ve all been there and I’m sure there’s a medical term for this which I really don’t need to know about right now – as I’ll… Read more »
“If you want your pool stuff back just whistle. You know how to whistle don’t you? Just put your lips together and blow.” For those who remember this famous quote from Lauren Bacall; you’ve also realized I’ve taken a bit of poetic license with it…but you’ll see the method to my madness in a moment. If I haven’t mentioned… Read more »
There is nothing better than sharing Thanksgiving stories this time of year! Holidays where you have a groundswell of family and friends can create some of the best, and most horrific, memories. I have a couple of examples of each kind from my past recounted below. The first chronicles the relationship of man and beast; the second proves that turkeys… Read more »
That title is an actual statement by my parents in our kitchen the night before the 1968 elections when I was probably 10 years old. Some of you may remember that election; Nixon vs. Humphrey (who was Johnson’s VP) and Nixon ended up winning. When you’re 10 years old those kinds of statements scare the hell out of… Read more »
If Hurricane Sandy didn’t provide enough of a whirlwind to our home and property recently; we had the pleasure of dog sitting this past weekend to remind us that the Tasmanian Devils are alive and well! Dog sitting is probably the one job in life I’m really qualified to hold since during my childhood growing up in a somewhat… Read more »