Well, Spring is in the air here in New England and the first sign this very morning was a pair of Mallard ducks sitting in a pond (actually a really large puddle) in my front yard after a huge rainstorm. The sight of a Mallard anywhere reminds me of a run-in I had with a very aggressive Mallard in Virginia… Read more »
With the good fortune of recently being hired by a well-known company to work at their corporate offices in NYC downtown, I’ve been re-introduced to a form of transportation used by thousands daily. The NYC Subway. I’ve commuted to NYC for most of my 30+ years in the workforce; this is the first time that it’s been necessary for… Read more »
Although it’s a bit late in the season for a post on skiing; the President’s Day holiday (a favorite ski getaway weekend) reminded me of my first…and only…time skiing. Those that know me well are aware that I only participate sports which need limited athletic equipment; for instance – a swimsuit, goggles and a cocktail shaker (I’m talking about… Read more »
Those who have spent any time with our family are well aware of our serial love of baseball, with exception of our daughter the hockey nut (for another blog post). Yes, we’ll watch games every night if we have to, and believe me, we have to. Even while watching other network shows, there’s a constant flipping back to the game… Read more »