Why blogging?

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Good question, and one posed by my entire family. Followed by questions like “What’s your motive?” and “Is this a mid-life crisis?”  Well, it might be a crisis, considering a new Porsche is not even in the realm of possibility, and maintaining a website costs pennies in comparison!

If you’ve read my Who’s Wally? section, you’ll note that I’m a “delusional comedy writer” which means I don’t actually write comedy, but wish I did. Stand-up won’t work for me as I don’t swear that much or usually tell dirty jokes. However, there are times where I share my perspective on everyday things in life, and have received enough decent feedback on those comments to give the blog-thing a try.

Besides, with a blog I can hide behind the scenes, and write whatever the hell (oops I swore) comes to mind. So, much to my children’s dismay, WallyWord is live!

About Wally

Wally Greene is both an eternal optimist and cynic, a waffling right-winger, a somewhat decent husband and father of three, budding masters swimmer, delusional comedy writer, chocolate lab lover, martini drinker and executive recruiter...not necessarily in that order.

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